Friday, March 2, 2012

You'll go clippin crazy if you don't organize it!

Disclaimer:  I write these blogs with 2 toddlers jumping on the couch next to me.  In this blog you will find tons of missed spelled words OR even made up words, LONG sentences, random punctuation marks , and horrible grammar...I promise the tips will be worth looking at my redneck English :-)

I started couponing full steam ahead!  I mean FULL steam!  I purchased SIX papers the first Sunday....Why?!  Because the Krazy Koupon Lady told me I should!  One paper for each member in my family.  I counted the babies as one.  They could share.  Right?  I was sure I needed EVERY ONE of those papers!...............................

Day one:  Was nothing short of amazing.  I match deals, clipped only the coupons I needed, placed the unused ones in a neat pile and saved BIG! (It was Procter and Gamble week and there is ALWAYS tons of household coupons)

Day two:  I was still in AWE of my savings and on a high! 

Day three: The grocery store ad's came in and honestly so did my anxiety.  I looked at that stack of coupons and thought..... Now what?  I laid my coupon inserts in stacks, all my printed ones in other, and my sales ad's in another.  There that was better...NOT!  I don't know why but these coupons were intimidating to say the least.  Looking at a HUGE stack of half clipped inserts made me want to quit.  I decided at that moment if I was going to stick with this I couldn't overwhelm myself and feel I need to cut my spending by 50% in one month.  I choose to save money on just our household items the first month.  That was items like laundry soap, paper towels, shampoo, conditioner, things like that.  If I happened to score a deal on food in the meantime GREAT but I wasn't going to stress over it. 

Day fourTHE PLAN! I sat down and made a 4 week plan on how I was going to apply couponing to my life.  First things first...Where do you put these things!?!

 All it took was 3 days and I was ready to quit! Don't let the MOUNDS of paper overwhelm you!

Organize It!

What you will need:
Baseball card holders (I found mine at staples I purchased 30 for about $12)
Folder (any three ring folder will do)

a pencil pouch (I keep a calculator, a pen, my savings cards from stores, a small pair of scissor and a small pad of paper)
Large plastic inserts (The full page ones for holding ad's)

What category is this?
Figure out how you will categorize your coupons.  This is where the binder and baseball card holders come in.

Many couonpers break it up by category:
Frozen Foods
Canned Foods
Personal Care
The choices are endless! That is why this method didn't work for me.  I needed straight and to the point!

Others organize by the aisles at the store they will do must of their couponing at.
(You can go to Save Marts website and view what is on each aisle)

My personal fave! ABC order. 
I got :
26 inserts
painters tape (because it peels off easy)
a sharpie
Paper Clips ( I got through paper clips like CRAZY)

I cut small pieces of tape and labeled each insert with a letter (I doubled some up W/X  Y/Z)
Then I started clippin.. little by little ONLY clipping coupons I knew I would use!  Don't clip $3 off Bounce if you know you hate the smell of it. 

I put them in ABC by product names
B-Betty Crocker
The best part of this pick how to file them.  For me if I was looking for a Pop Tarts coupon I wouldn't go to K- for Kellogg's I would go to P for Pop Tarts.  That's how I would remember them.  You customize it however it works for YOU!

Now what is that folder for?
Its real simple.  I use mine for coupons to stores like Bed Bath and Beyond, Mcdonlds, Build A Bear, and Random sales coupons for "Extra" sales.

Full page inserts?
Take the painters tape and label each one with a store name, fold your ad in half and slip it in there. 

Here are a couple of pictures from my current coupon binder.  I have since upgraded to this AWESOME binder.  I purchased it at Target for $9.99 they still carry them and if it is in your budget I would HIGHLY recommend getting one like this.  I saved money for about 2 months before I splurged on it.

                                        Do your coupons look like this?

Or Like this?

My "As Cool As A Coupon Binder Can Be" Binder
The built in file makes it SO helpful to keep each store organized. I paper clipped envelopes on to each file and I keep the coupons I plan to use there and any in store coupons only in there as well
(Target only coupons are held in there not filed in the holders)

Below are some bonus tips to help get organized and be a happy couponer!
Tip 1-
Before you go clipping coupons GET organized.  It will save you time and money!

Tip 2-
Choose a system that will work for you.  Maybe a binder gives you anxiety? The dollar tree and $1 section at Target has coupon file organizers.  Start with what makes you comfortable. 

Tip 3-
Don't feel you have to drive all over town scoring EVERY deal!  Start small. Choose one area to save and focus on that.  Choice a meal to save at, (all breakfast items), Choice a store (Maybe you shop at Target all the time?), or Choice household/Food.
Any savings at this point is GREAT.  The more at ease you are with couponing the longer you will stick with it!

Tip 4-
Make a plan!  Try your best to plan what days you do your shopping.  Maybe you drive by Save Mart every Thursday plan to leave home 20 mins early to grab the few items you are getting on sale this week.

Tip 5- 
Take it with you! If you have a small file put it in your purse.  You never know when you will have a few extra mins to stop by store or organize your coupons.  If you have a binder..Grab your purse and grab your binder.  YES people will stare at you but WHO cares! Wait until they are in line behind you and see your savings and ask HOW DID YOU DO THAT?! Let them LOOK!

Tip 6-
Have fun! Seriously!  If you are not feeling great about your savings or you are overwhelmed, take a step back and figure out what is making it so overwhelming!  If you are doing it right it because a game....almost like cheating the system legally! :-)

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