Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What is $5 worth these days?

                                      What does $5 extra dollars mean to you?

I was reading a blog this morning about a website called Fiverr (  It's a website that you can post jobs you are willing to do for $5!  Some are hilarious.....Some I plan on using for my kids, jokes on friends and design my blog to be more user friendly.  Than it got me thinking about how $5 doesn't seem like a LOT of money these days.  What can you really get with $5 these days?

1) A venti coffee from Starbucks
2) 1.25 gallons of gas (if we are lucky!)
3) 4 Dollar store items
4) 5 $1 menu items
5) Box of cereal not on sale
6) 1 gallon of milk and 1 pack of gum
7) 4 Redbox movies
8) Your neighbor kid to mow your lawn
9) 20 junk toys from the $.25 machine
10) Foot long sandwich from Subway
11) 4 songs on itunes
12) 2lbs of ground beef
13) 3 boxes of hamburger helper
14) Provide 2 meals at the Rescue Mission
15) 12pk of Pepsi
16) 26 not so great Pokemon Cards on ebay
17) 2 Hot Lunches and 3 cartons of milk in VUSD
18) A bottle of Advil
19) 5lbs of Oranges
20) A babysitter......for about 15mins!

If you could save just $5 a week for a year you would have $260! What would you do with an extra $260? A day trip to the coast? 52 Gallons of gas? 52 Venti Starbucks coffee's?

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